Mia’s Birth Story


The text book pregnancy and birth.

At 18 I fell pregnant, after the initial worried feelings, along with morning sickness and a few hospital visits for vomiting, I enjoyed being pregnant, at 18 I nevr felt more like a woman with beautiful growing curves and the feeling of creating life. The only (very small) part I was unable to enjoy was the judgement from others about being a young mum. I love surprises and decided not find out the gender. 

I was at work on the Thursday and started feeling contractions, which I disregarded as braxton hicks as I still had three weeks before my due date. On the Thursday night I was alone and did not sleep one wink, I saw blood at 4am and considered driving myself to the hospital, but waited until 6am to call my mum who quickly came to help me. I was having contractions every nine minutes and was asked by the nurse to go home, pack a hospital bag and return. In an early-labour-frantic moment, I packed a hospital bag and returned with a bag of g-strings. (G-strings and maternity pads don’t go yo!)

The labour was text book. Contractions were getting stronger and more regular throughout the afternoon. I had a bath at the hospital at around 3pm and everything is a bit of a blur after that. I started gas and had a shot of pethadine, which made me throw up. Screaming for hours 'I want chocolate' and 'I want jelly'. A few pushes later, my waters broke as my baby entered the world, my stomach instantly went flat (ahhh my 18 year old body) and out popped Mia. 7:47pm 21.09.2001.

I went from having zero breasts to feeling like I could topple forward at any given time when my milk came in. I had a few stitches down below, but recovery was incredibly easy. 

For the arrival of my first beautiful daughter my mum, sister and Mias dad were all present. It was such a wonderful (and painful) experience. I cried tears of happiness. 

Rhianna Bruscella